Little about me...

I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. I am grateful that God has redeemed me from my sin, clothes me in righteousness, and now leads my every step in my life. I am constantly learning how to humbly walk with God, do the things that please HIM, and love people as HE has loved me. 

One of the things I cherish is that I get to spend the rest of my life with a beautiful and lovely woman of God who I get to call my wife.  She is a delight to my heart and I love her oh so much!

->My life statement/mission:

To be a man of integrity and compassion, modeling my life after Jesus Christ as His disciple.

->Values/principles to accomplish my life mission: 

Being a man of my word by following through when I set forth to do something or say something.

Modeling Christ’s love to others by showing unconditional love and not being afraid to love when I may not be loved in return.

Sharing the Gospel through word and deed.  Letting my actions for others show that I love Jesus in obeying His command to love others (Mark 12:31).

Encouraging Christians to live as disciples of Jesus Christ by teaching the truths of the scriptures and commissioning believers to go and tell others.

Continuing to be teachable to learn more from God and open to instruction from others.

Staying connected to a body of believers so I may be built up as a man of God and refreshed emotionally, spiritually, and physically

->My roles of priority in accomplishing my life mission:

As a husband I want to love passionately, lead courageously, hold up truth above all, and be willing to learn in every situation.

As a student I want to be open to instruction from my elders and commit myself to the study of truth.

As a minister or pastor I want to shine as an example of a man who loves and worships Christ alone, teaches others from a passion of the scriptures and encourages others to live like Jesus.

As a friend I want to love, be real in sharing my life with others that are close to me, and keep others accountable as they keep me accountable for my actions.

As a family member to show love and compassion to my family and exemplify Christ as I interact with my family in all that I do and say

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